Many insurance companies want repair shops to use less expensive, generic replacement parts, as opposed to original-equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts, which are made specifically for your automobile! Why? To save them money! You do have a choice in this matter and Elite Paint And Body Shop will help you.
Elite Paint and Body Shop will always try to get you, our valued customer, the best possible parts and materials. Unfortunately we don’t always have the last word in the matter, and Elite Paint and Body will help and advise you along the way. We do promise to work with your insurance company on your behalf and will always try to get you the most favorable outcome.
Here is just a partial list of things we handle at Elite Paint and Body Shop
- Scratch Removal
- Paintless Dent Repair
- Parts Replacement
- High-End Complete Re-Painting
- Best In Business Paint Matching
- Undetectable Dent Repair
- Frame Straightening
- Auto Glass Replacement
- All Work Guaranteed For as Long as You Own Your Car